-To preserve and advance the body of knowledge of the right of way profession.
-To retain the overall competency of the right of way practitioner on a professional level through quality courses and quality instruction.
-To provide support to meet the professional standards of the Association.
-To provide support for the right of way profession which will correspond with the SR/WA program.
-To provide a source of revenue in support of the Association's overall objectives.
IRWA has over 50 courses (including the Hot Topics Seminar Series) which comprise a core curriculum and serve a variety of professional needs. These courses, on the basis of content, have been arranged into three categories. The classifications are based on the relationship of the content to the profession. The course numbers identify disciplines, not level of difficulty. For example, the 200's are negotiation; the 400's appraisal; the 700's asset (property) management, etc.
IRWA Course Classifications
Foundation Courses
Courses that function as the foundation of the disciplines serving the right of way profession. These courses also serve to update, review, or comply with the requirements of current policies or regulations.
Fundamental Courses
Courses that expand the fundamental knowledge of the disciplines comprising the right of way profession and are appropriate for individuals entering the profession, for those who desire to update their skills, and for those who seek cross training.
Special Emphasis Courses
Courses that are targeted for those with special interests and for those who require additional information. Some of these courses require experiential background and have pre-requisites.
Multi-day negotiation courses are taught by professional instructors in the field of communication who are currently faculty members of various colleges and universities or are full time trainers in business and industry. All other courses are taught by right of way professionals who have strong communication skills and extensive practical experience. These instructors must pass an Instructor's Clinic. This is a three-day evaluation program in which the potential instructor demonstrates a variety of teaching situations before a review panel. IRWA believes it is essential that instructors are not only experts in their fields, but also have the teaching skills required to conduct informative, stimulating classes.
There are class brochures, with registration forms, for each class presentation. For more information, contact our Education Chair at education@irwachapter28.org or view the Available Classes link in the menu to the left.
Class Hours
Except where specified, classes are held from 8am to 5pm.
Cancellation & Availability
All classes scheduled by IRWA are subject to cancellation. Although every effort is made to run each class as scheduled, occasionally a class must be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment or unavailability of instructors. IRWA ensures equal access to its services, classes and programs without regard to sex, race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, veteran's status, and handicap or disability.
Most IRWA courses include a written final examination. Pass/fail notices are mailed to students from International Headquarters. Failed examinations may be retaken; the fee is $25.00. Courses 100, 200, 400, 800 and 900 may be challenged only by IRWA members who are candidates for the SR/WA designation. The challenge fee for each class is $50.00 per day.
Manuals and Textbooks
Student manuals are used for all courses. These manuals are not sold separately and are available only to class students.
Have Additional Questions?
Contact the Chapter Education Chair at Education@irwachapter28.org.