Job Title: Job opening - GIS/CAD - Maricopa County
Position Overview
The Senior Real Property GIS/CAD Specialist handles complex level work while acting in a lead capacity in support of department GIS/CAD and Real Property work.
Job Title: Maricopa County - Senior Property Management Specialist
The Senior Property Management Specialist supports the Property Management Supervisor and the Departments Property Management team as a whole. This position is a lead role in providing infrastructure property management services to the Maricopa County Department of Transportation as well as the Flood Control District of Maricopa County. The successful candidate will engage in the acquisition, disposition, leasing, land rights research, and general property management activities related to real property in support of the respective department mission.
Position Overview
The Maricopa County Real Estate Department (MCRED) provides real estate support to Maricopa County Elected Officials, Departments, and Special Districts, as well as responds to inquiries from County residents and other agencies. The MCRED team is a results-driven, highly trained, and accountable team of professionals who strive to constantly improve the customer, client, and project stakeholder experience through effective collaboration, communication, and efficient, responsive customer service.
The Title and Records Officer conducts in-depth land rights research and title examination in support of Maricopa County and Flood Control District of Maricopa County (District) real property acquisition and disposition programs as well as oversees the MCRED Document Retention Program. Primary duties typically include reading and interpreting legal descriptions, performing title research and title examination, conducting prior rights analysis, analyzing title encumbrances to advise staff on title restrictions and recommend actions to clear title, and providing historical titles chains in support of quiet title actions, condemnation, and civil suits.
IRWA28 ID#177
Date posted: 2016-05-28 Date closed: 2016-06-13
Job Title: Right of Way Supervisor
Company: Maricopa Country - Facilities Management
Job Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Description: This position supervises R/W Agents in the acquisition of real property interests. Assist Real Property Branch Manager in training of staff, review of land rights documents. Participate with Division Management and legal counsel in the development of Division policy, procedures, and litigation support for land acquisition. Manage resources to accommodate project scope, schedule, and budget for projects. Review all counter-offers on land acquisition negotiations and make recommendations to Real Property Branch Manager and Chief Real Estate Officer. Assist in the planning, development, and coordination of acquisition operational goals. Serve as liaison with external agencies, internal departments, citizens, and other interested parties regarding acquisition program. Serve as Lead Agent for the acquisition process on projects of a complex nature. Oversee the activities of contract vendors that support acquisition program such as title companies, appraisers, acquisition services and relocation services.
Knowledge & Experience Required: Bachelors Degree in Business or Public Administration, or a closely related field, plus 5-years of R/W acquisition experience. An equivalent combination of related post-secondary education and job related experience may substitute on a year-for-year basis. Valid AZ drivers license required.
Application: View Details and Apply Online: Apply Now
Date posted: 2016-05-24
Job Title: Right-of-Way Agent - Licensed
Company:Tristar Engineering & Management, Inc.
Job Location:Phoenix, Arizona
Description: Tristar, an Arizona based engineering firm, is seeking applicants comfortable working in a Technical position that reports to more than one Department, with duties varied within each. Position will require both field and office work for project coordination, with duties involving the acquisition of property and property rights, relocation assistance, or property management. Meetings with property owners and tenants may be required, along with site visits to property sites.
Knowledge & Experience Required: 2+ years of college or technical school; OR,
1 to 4 years of progressively responsible technical right-of-way experience. -- Additional experience in technical right-of-way or related sub-professional engineering work may be substituted for required education on a year-for-year basis. -- Must hold an ACTIVE valid State of Arizona, Real Estate Salesperson license. Valid driver's license is also required.
Requirements / Duties:
Depending on assignment, duties may include: 1) Acquisition of property rights needed for various projects, including rights of entry, temporary or perpetual easements, and fee title free/clear of all liens & encumbrances. - 2) Read & interpret property appraisals, title reports, plans, and legal descriptions. - 3) Meet with property owners or their representatives to negotiate and acquire holdings. - 4) Identify and assist in the resolution of any problems connected with the acquisition, such as construction needs, grade irrigation and drainage, title issues, relocation assistance, and effect of construction on seller's remaining property (if partial take). - 5) Prepare and/or consummate purchase agreements, building reports, deeds, easements, extended occupancy agreements, or releases. - 6) Open escrow on properties to be acquired, and assist through closing. - 7) Provide relocation assistance services. Contact persons or businesses who are to be relocated due to acquisition of property, and offer relocation assistance in finding new housing or property. This includes performing periodic site searches to maintain current files on available properties for sale or rent. Calculate monetary entitlements for replacement housing; inform displaced persons in writing of calculated entitlements and specific details used to determine replacement housing benefits. Issue appropriate notices; perform DS&S inspections of replacement housing; administer business relocation services, as required. - 8) Maintain detailed reports on all activity performed on each property. - 9) Perform miscellaneous services as needed, including regulatory research, relocation surveys and real estate functions, and other ancillary services. - 10) Property Management. Secure rental agreements for persons who are to continue to occupy state-owned property until it is disposed of for road development. Contact tenants of acquired property; have necessary rental papers signed; follow-up at later date for any delinquent rents; inspect property regularly to note required maintenance; inspect property on vacate and receive vacate notice. Perform other property management functions as needed. - 11) Asset Management. Assist in the sale of excess property not required for roadway improvements; obtain list of properties available, a description of each, and financial papers concerning property ownership. Compile pamphlet of available properties for sale to give to prospective buyers; publicizes property for sale through newspapers and any other ancillary services as required.
Description:Tristar, an Arizona based engineering firm, is seeking qualified appliants to operate as a Land Title Examiner, to perform title searches and land title work to determine ownership and provide descriptions of property and various right-of-way issues. Perform other related work and ancillary services as required.
Knowledge & Experience Required:
2+ years of Real Property Title searching and examining of metes & bounds, S/T/R, and sub-division parcels; OR,
2+ years of college or technical school, and 2+ years of work experience similar to that performed by a R/W Assistant. -- Additional on-the-job experience may be substituted for required education on a month-for-month basis to a maximum of 2-years. Land title examiner related education may be substituted for 1-year of required experience on a month-for-month basis to a maximum of 2-years. -- Valid driver's license required.
Requirements / Duties:
Duties include: 1) Prepare detailed reports on property to be acquired or used for construction improvements of roads and incidental purposes. - 2) Search records accurately and thoroughly in a number of public & private agencies throughout the State for information required to prepare needed reports. - 3) Perform property inspections and interview property owners to obtain information needed to determine potential un-recorded interests on land to be acquired and avoid title issues. - 4) Assist in preparing property files to proceed for Condemnation to Attorney General's office, as relevant. - 5) Assist in preparation of Resolutions & Disposals. - 6) Communicate effectively with other department sections, with the ability to provide correct and acceptable interpretations of land title procedures, with oversight from Title Manager. - 7) Willing and able to travel throughout Arizona as required to complete work assignments, as projects span across the state. - 8) Ability to provide and effectively record a detailed accounting of all time spent on work assignments, for reporting to clients.
Apply Online:Apply Now
Additional contact details: 602-288-5594
10625 N. 25th Ave, Ste 103 Phoenix 85029
IRWA28 ID#14
Date posted: 2016-05-24
Job Title: Right-of-Way Agent - Unlicensed
Company:Tristar Engineering & Management, Inc.
Job Location:Phoenix, Arizona
Tristar, an Arizona based engineering firm, is seeking applicants comfortable working in a Technical position that reports to more than one Department, with duties varied within each. Position may require both field and office work for project coordination, with duties involving review of real property acquisition, and relocation claims and entitlements, for individuals and businesses displaced by State projects. However, no direct contact or negotiations with property owners is required.
Knowledge & Experience Required:
2+ years of college or technical school; OR,
2 to 5 years of progressively responsible technical right-of-way experience. -- Additional experience in technical right-of-way or related transportation engineering work may be substituted for required education on a year-for-year basis. -- Valid driver's license required.
Requirements / Duties:
Depending on assignment, duties may include: 1) Prepare & monitor project R/W cost estimates and schedules, with coordination, preparation, monitoring, and review of processes through completion of project schedule. - 2) Liaison between engineering designs, engineering districts, local governmental agencies, and the Department. Coordinate meetings with project stakeholders to communicate ADOT policies & procedures. - 3) Request hazardous material site assessments from Environmental Planning Section for parcels needed for new construction, and monitor requests and status of reports. - 4) Receive, prepare, and/or review property acquisition packages to ensure correct documentation and elements are included. This includes: status reports, plans, title reports, appraisals, delineation, relocation requirements, extended occupancy agreement, outstanding hazardous material issues, and FHWA authority. - 5) Assemble acquisition packages and transmit; recommend project schedule changes if needed. - 6) Coordinate and interact with on-call consultants, Federal & State agencies, and Department districts / sections. - 7) Prepare project status reports, clearance letter, and procurement reports.
Apply Online: Apply Now
Additional contact details: 602-288-5594;
10625 N. 25th Ave, Ste 103, Phoenix 85029
IRWA28 ID#13
Date posted: 2016-04-18
Job Title: Land Disposition Project Leader II - R/W
Company:Arizona State Land Department (ASLD)
Job Location:Phoenix, Arizona
This position manages major real estate projects of a highly complex and diverse nature, with concentration on project management of urban vs rural lands, and a higher ratio of individual vs team projects -- Position will: Assist in planning & development; Analysis & maintenance of dispositions; Perform public relations activities to evaluate and resolve sensitive files & issues; Assist in providing formal & informal training to professional staff; Interface and coordinate with outside consultants, appraisers, City/County staff; Determine plan or project objectives & goals; Assist in the development & implementation of rules, policies, and procedures; Complete R/W analyses; Resolve land management problems; Negotiate R/W contracts and R/W values & terms; Process/complete real estate transactions; Prepare documentation of activities & findings; Complete financial and statistical reports; and, Coordinate project activities.
Knowledge & Experience Required:
Bachelor's degree in finance, real estate, business administration, urban planning, public administration, management, or closely related field. 3-years experience in commercial real estate, land sales, R/W transactions, infrastructure planning, or real estate management.
View Details and Apply Online: Apply Now