Are you involved in the acquisition, management or disposal of real estate? Do you work for a government agency, public utility, pipeline company or right-of-way contractor? Are you an engineer, lawyer, appraiser, property manager or negotiator? Do you employ professionals working in relocation assistance, land title, property management or environmental areas? Membership in the IRWA benefits both members and employers.
View the classifications of membership available through the International Right of Way Association. |
January - March ............................................................................. $ 275.00
April - June ..................................................................................... $ 221.25
July - September ............................................................................. $ 167.50
October - December + 2017 (1st Qtr) ........................................... $ 275.00
IRWA International Annual Membership Dues: |
Active - Active members shall be those persons who are elected to active membership by a chapter of the Association and who are actively engaged in right of way or a related profession and/or who are active in the service of this Association at the Chapter, Region or International level and/or are interested in the affairs of either the right of way profession or this Association. |
Retired - Retired member shall be any person who has reached the age of retirement, who has retired from regular right-of-way professional activities while being an active member of a chapter of the Association, and who earns less than the sum of $5,000.00 (U.S.) dollars per annum from any professional activity related to the right-of-way profession, for the year next preceding the date of application for retired member status, which application must be filed with such member's chapter and approved, pursuant to unanimous vote, by the chapter executive board. Retired members shall have the right to vote and to hold office. Retired member status may continue in effect so long as the retired member earns less than the sum of $5,000.00 (U.S.) dollars per annum from right-of-way activities for any year succeeding the year of election to retired status. In the event the retired member earns greater than the sum of $5,000.00 (U.S.) dollars per annum from right-of-way activities, such retired member must disclose that fact to his/her chapter executive board and, further, such member must comply with the Association's current rules relative to reinstatement to active membership and recertification. |
Allied/Patron - Allied/Patron members shall be individuals engaged in activities related to the right of way profession, who have a community of intent requiring information concerning right of way and who have sympathy with the objectives of the Association, but who are not eligible for other active or retired membership categories. Allied/Patron members shall not have the right to vote or hold office. Dues for Allied/Patron members shall be in an amount equal to the then existing dues for active Senior members. |
Student - Student members shall be students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree, diploma or certificate program at an institution of higher education with a specialization or major in real estate or one of the industry disciplines associated with the right-of-way profession, but who are not eligible for other active or retired membership categories. Student members shall not have the right to vote or hold office. Dues for Student members shall be in an amount equal to the then existing dues for Retired members with magazine. |
- Membership Application
- Chapter Transfer
- Information Change
- Other Forms